Fr. François Beyrouti's Homilies

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  Contributions of the Melkite Catholic Church to the Universal Catholic Church.

Bishop-elect Father François Beyrouti interviewed on The Catholic Channel (Sirius XM). 

August 24, 2022


Do You Live to Please Everyone or God?

August 14, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost.

Epistle: 1 Corinthians 4:9-16.

Gospel: Matthew 17:14-23. Jesus heals the epileptic boy.

July 2022

See and Show God’s Compassion.

July 3, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

Fourth Sunday After Pentecost

Epistle: Romans 6:18-23

Gospel: Matthew 8:5-13.

How the Bible Engages All Our Senses.

How the Bible Engages All Our Senses.

July 24, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost.

Epistle: Romans 15:1-7.

Gospel: Matthew 9:27-35.

Contrast God’s Word With Your Expectations.

Contrast God’s Word With Your Expectations.

July 31, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost.

Epistle: 1 Corinthians 1:10-17

Gospel: Matthew 14:14-22. Feeding the five thousand.

June 2022

How to Multiply the Holy Spirit in You.

June 5, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

 Seventh Sunday after Pascha

 Holy and Glorious Pentecost Sunday

 Epistle: Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11.

 Gospel: John 7: 37-52 & 8:12.

God Made You a Saint.

June 12, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

First Sunday After Pentecost. All Saints Sunday.

Epistle: Hebrews 11:33-12:2.

Gospel: Matthew 10:32-38 & 19:27-30.

How to Make the Bible Stylish.

June 19, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

Second Sunday after Pentecost.

Epistle: Romans 2:10-16.

Gospel: Matthew 4:18-23. Call of the First Disciples.

How to be Fulfilled

June 26, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

Third Sunday After Pentecost

Epistle: Romans 5:1-10.

Gospel: Matthew 6:22-33.

How Jesus Established the Catholic Church.
May 29, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

Sixth Sunday after Pascha (Easter).
Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council at Nicea.
Epistle: Acts of the Apostles 20:16-18, 28-36.
Gospel: John 17:1-13.

Are You Catholic or Christian?
May 22, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

Sunday of the Man Born Blind
Epistle: Acts of the Apostles 16:16-34.
Gospel: John 9:1-38.

Mothers Mirror God’s Love for Us.
May 8, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

Sunday of the Healing of the Paralytic.
Feast of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian
Epistle: 1 John 1:1-7
Gospel: John 5:1-15

Is Church Service For Everyone?
May 1, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

Sunday of Ointment-Bearing Women. Second Sunday after Pascha (Easter).
Epistle: Acts of the Apostles 6:1-7.
Gospel: Mark 15:43-16:8

How to See the Resurrection.
April 24, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sunday of Saint Thomas. First Sunday after Pascha (Easter).
Epistle: Acts of the Apostles 5:12-20.
Gospel: John 20:19-31 (Skeptic Thomas).

How to Rise With Christ Every Day?

Paschal Vigil. April 16, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

What is the Evidence of Your Faith in Christ?

Holy Friday. April 15, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

TikTok is Worse than Narcissism.

April 10, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Palm Sunday.
Epistle: Philippians 4:4-9.
Gospel: John 12:1-18. The Glorious Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.

Prepare! Or Fail in Your Spiritual Life.
April 3, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Fifth Sunday of the Great Fast (Lent): Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt.
Epistle: Hebrews 9:11-14.
Gospel: Mark 10:32-45 (The greatest in the Kingdom).

Faith Needs Humility and Persistence.
March 27, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Fourth Sunday of the Great Fast (Lent): Sunday of Saint John Climacus (Ladder).
Epistle: Hebrews 6:13-20.
Gospel: Mark 9:17-31

How Not to Regret Your Decisions.
March 20, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Third Sunday of the Great Fast (Lent): Sunday of the Holy Cross.
Epistle: Hebrews 4:14-5:6
Gospel: Mark 8:34-9:1

It is Illogical to Forgive?
March 13, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Second Sunday of the Great Fast (Lent): Sunday of the Holy Relics and St. Gregory Palamas.
Epistle: Hebrews 1:10-2:4.
Gospel: Mark 2:1-12 (H
ealing of the Paralytic).
The Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great.

How Fasting Rearranges Our Priorities.
March 6, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
First Sunday of the Great Fast (Lent): Sunday of Orthodoxy
The Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great.
Epistle: Hebrews 11:24-26, 32-40, 12:1-2.
Gospel: John 1:43-51. The Call of Nathanael.

Go Faster by Slowing Down for God

February 27, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

Gospel of the Cheese-Fare. Forgiveness & Fasting.

Epistle: Romans 13:11-14:4

Gospel: Mt 6:14-21. 

How to Unconfuse Your Bible Reading.
February 20, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Meat Fare Sunday. The Last Judgement.
Epistle: 1 Corinthians 8:8-9:2.
Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46.

How to Keep God Alive in Your Life.
February 13, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sunday of the Prodigal Son
Epistle: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
Gospel: Luke 15:11-32

How to Live True Humility.
February 6, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sunday of the Pharisee and the Publican.
Epistle: 2 Timothy 3:10-15.
Gospel: Luke 18:10-14.

Are Lebanese Women Smarter Than Jesus?
January 31, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Epistle: Hebrews 13:7-16. Commemoration of the Holy Hieromartyr Hippolytus of Rome. Our Fathers among the Saints and Great Ecumenical Doctors, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom.
Gospel: Matthew 15:21-28 (17th Sunday after Pentecost). Sunday of the Canaanite Woman.

Prepare to Face Your Consequences.
January 9, 2022, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sunday After the Theophany of our Lord.
Epistle: Ephesians 4:7-13.
Gospel: Matthew 4:12-17.

Every Day is Christmas.
December 26, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sunday After the Nativity.
Commemoration of the Holy Joseph, spouse of the Mother of God, James and David.
Epistle: Galatians 1:11-19. Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost.
Gospel: Matthew 2:13-23. Gospel of the ninth hour of the Paramony of Christmas.

How to Find Gold at Christmas?
December 19, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sunday Before the Nativity of our Lord.
Epistle: Hebrews 11:9-10; 32-40.
Gospel: Sunday before the Nativity. Matthew 1:1-25. The Genealogy of Christ.

Can you Find an Excuse for God?
December 12, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th
.Epistle: Ephesians 5:8-19. Father Spiridon the Wonderworker
.Gospel: Luke 14:16-24 (The Great Banquet). Sunday of Forefathers
.Eleventh Sunday after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross

How Not to Checkout of Christmas?

December 5, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

Epistle: Galatians 5:22-6:12. Epistle of St. Sabbas.

Gospel: Luke 13:10-17. Healing of a Crippled Woman.

Tenth Sunday after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross.

How to be as Prepared as God.
November 29, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Epistle: Ephesians 6:10-17. Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost.
Gospel: Luke 18:18-28. Gospel of the Rich Man.
Thirteenth Sunday after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross.

How Jesus Redefines Neighbor.

November 14, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

Epistle: Acts of the Apostles 8:26-39. Saint Philip.

Gospel: Luke 10:25-37.

Seventh Sunday after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross.

Gospel of the Merciful and Compassionate Samaritan.

How Extraordinary is Jesus?
November 7, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th
Seventh Sunday after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross.
Epistle: Ephesians 2:14-22. Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost.
Gospel: Luke 8:41-56. Healing the Woman and the Raising of Jairus’ Daughter.

Rethinking Sunday School: The Problems & Practical Solutions.

Monday, September 20, 2021.

Presented by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

“We, then, are the Church, the Body of Christ and we actualize it for the transformation of the world, transforming the world to become the Body of Christ.” Bishop Nicholas Samra, Stewards of the Mysteries, Page 23.

Destroy the Devil Within.
October 24, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sixth Sunday after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross.
Epistle: Galatians 6:11-18. Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost.
Gospel: Luke 8:27-39. Gerasene Demoniac.

How Not To Choke God.
October 17, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Fourth Sunday after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross.
Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council. Second Council of Nicea.
Epistle: Titus 3:8-15. Epistle of the Fathers.
Gospel: Luke 8:5-15. Parable of the Sower.

Find Your Destination Through Your Journey.
October 10, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Third Sunday after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross.
Epistle: Galatians 1:11-19. 20th Sunday after Pentecost.
Gospel: Luke 7:11-16. The Widow’s Son.

How Barbaric Are You?
October 3, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Second Sunday after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross.
Epistle: 2 Corinthians 11:31-33; 12:1-10. 19th Sunday after Pentecost.
Gospel: Luke 6:31-36. Love Your Enemies.

How to Find Yourself by Losing It.
September 19, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sunday After the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross.
Epistle: Galatians 2:16-21. Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost.
Gospel: Mark 8:34-9:1.

Two Ways to Not Sink Your Spiritual Life.
September 12, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sunday Before the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross.
The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up. God So Loved the World.
Epistle: Galatians 6:11-18. Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost.
Gospel: John 3:13-17.

What’s Up?
September 5, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost. Gospel of The Great Commandment.
Epistle: 2 Corinthians 4:6-15.
Gospel: Matthew 22:35-46.

Dig Into the Bible’s Meaning.
August 22, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost. Gospel of the Wicked Tenants.
Epistle: 1 Corinthians 16:13-24
Gospel: Matthew 21:33-42.

Stop Working and Listen.
August 15, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
The Dormition of the Mother of God (Theotokos)
Epistle: Philippians 2:5-11
Gospel: Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28

Spiritual Plowing.
August 8, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost.
Epistle: 1 Corinthians 9:2-12.
Gospel: Matthew 18:23-35.

Mirror Your Life to the Bible.
August 1, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Tenth Sunday After Pentecost. Healing of the Epileptic Boy
Epistle: 1 Corinthians 4:9-16.
Gospel: Matthew 17:14-23.

Let Us Be Attentive.
July 18, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Eighth Sunday After Pentecost.
Sunday of the Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils
Epistle: Titus 3:8-15.
Gospel: Matthew 5:14-19.

Sensing the Good Shepherd.
July 11, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Seventh Sunday After Pentecost. Healing of the Two Blind Men.
Epistle: 2 Corinthians 6:1-10.
Gospel: Matthew 9:27-35.

Not a Heavy Homily.
July 4, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sixth Sunday After Pentecost.
Epistle: Romans 12:6-14
Gospel: Matthew 9:1-8.

Are You Saved?
June 27, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Fifth Sunday After Pentecost.
Epistle: Romans 10:1-10.
Gospel: Matthew 8:28-9:1.

Bishop Nicholas Samra’s June 16, 2021

Pastoral Letter "Return to the Eucharist."
Read by Father François Beyrouti.

Fly to Suffering.
June 13, 2021, homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Third Sunday After Pentecost.
Epistle: Romans 5:1-10.
Gospel: Matthew 6:22-33

Don’t Kill 452 Sheep.
June 6, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Second Sunday After Pentecost. The call of the First Apostles.
Epistle: Romans 2:10-16.
Gospel: Matthew 4:18-23.

The Saint You Are.
May 30, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
All Saints Sunday. First Sunday after Pentecost.
Epistle: Hebrews 11:33-12:2.
Gospel: Matthew 10:32-38 & 19:27-30

Embrace the Wholly Spirit.
May 23, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Pentecost Sunday. Seventh Sunday after Pascha.
Epistle: Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11.
Gospel: John 7:37-52 & 8:12.

More to the Church Than…
May 16, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sunday of the First Ecumenical Council at Nicaea.
Epistle: Acts of the Apostles 20:16-18, 28-36.
Gospel: John 17:1-13.

Open Your Bible Parachute.
May 9, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sunday of the Man Born Blind.
Epistle: Acts of the Apostles 16:16-34. Gospel: John 9:1-38.

Spring to Life. 
May 2, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sunday of the Samaritan Woman.
Transfer of the Remains of our Father among the Saints, Athanasius the Great.
Epistle: Hebrews 13:7-16. Gospel: John 4:5-42.

From Physical to Spiritual Health.
April 25, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sunday of the Paralytic. Feast Day of Saint Mark the Apostle.
Epistle: 1 Peter 5:6-14. Gospel: John 5:1-15.

Mindful or Mindless Meaning.
April 18, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sunday of the Ointment Bearing Women.
Epistle: Acts of the Apostles 6:1-7. Gospel: Mark 15:43-16:8.

Jesus Nailed It.
April 4, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Pascha (Easter Sunday).
Acts of the Apostles 1:1-9. John 1:1-17.

Suffering, Comfort, and Joy.
March 28, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Palm Sunday.
Philippians 4:4-9. John 12:1-18.

What and Why Do You Want?
March 21, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Fifth Sunday of Lent. Sunday of our Venerable Mother Mary of Egypt
Hebrews 9:11-14. Mark 10:32-45.

Spiritually Solid Ladders.
March 14, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Fourth Sunday of Lent. Saint John of the Ladder.
Hebrews 6:13-20. Mark 9:17-31

On Board to Stewardship.
February 28, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Second Sunday of Lent. Saint Gregory Palamas. The Holy Relics.
Hebrews 1:10-2:4. Mark 2:1-12 (Healing of the Paralytic)

Image is Everything.
February 21, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
First Sunday of Lent. Sunday of Orthodoxy.
Hebrews 11:24-26; 32-40; 12:1-2.
John 1:43-51 (The Call of Nathanael).

You Don’t Need More Toys.
February 14, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Cheese Fare Sunday. If You Forgive. When You Fast. Treasure in Heaven.
Romans 13:11-14:4. Matthew 6:14-21.

Our Choices Make Us.
February 7, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Meat Fare Sunday. The Last Judgment.
1 Corinthians 8:8-13 & 9:1-2. Matthew 25:31-46.

Are We All Equal?
January 31, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sunday of the Prodigal Son.
1 Corinthians 6:12-20. Luke 15:11-32.

The Bible's Window & Mirror to God.
January 24, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sunday of the Pharisee and Publican.
2 Timothy 3:10-15. Luke 18:10-14.

The Talents in Your Palm.
January 10, 2021 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sunday after the Feast of the Theophany.
Ephesians 4:7-13. Matthew 4:12-17

Don't Invent God.
December 27, 2020 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sunday after the Nativity of our Lord, God, and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Commemoration of the Holy Joseph, spouse of the Mother of God, James, David and Protomartyr Stephen.
Epistle: Acts of the Apostles 6:8-15, 7:1-5; 47-60.
Gospel: Matthew 2:13-23

Become a Christmas Bird.
December 24/25, 2020 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
The Nativity of our Lord, God, and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Thursday, December 24, 2020. Hebrews 1:1-12. Luke 2:1-20.
Friday, December 25, 2020. Galatians 4:4-7. Matthew 2:1-12.

The Assurance of Faith.
Sunday, December 20, 2020 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Sunday Before the Nativity of our Lord. Gospel of the Genealogy.
Epistle: Hebrews 11:9-10; 32-40.
Gospel: Matthew 1:1-25.

Marshmallows For Your Healthy Future.

Sunday, November 22, 2020.

The Gospel of the Rich Fool.

Epistle: Ephesians 4:1-7. Twenty-Fifth Sunday of Pentecost.

Gospel: Luke 12: 16-21. Ninth Sunday after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

What Will Happen to Me If … ?

November 15, 2020 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

Eighth Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Ephesians 2:14-22. Luke 10:25-37.

Who’s First With God.

November 8, 2020 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

Seventh Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Hebrews 2,2-10. Luke 8,41-56.

You Are the Church Family.

November 1, 2020 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

Fifth Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

November 1. Feast day of the Holy Wonderworkers and Physicians Saints Cosmas and Damian.

1 Corinthians 12:27-13:7 (The Church and Charisms). Luke 16:19-31 (The Rich Man and Lazarus).

See, Stop, Speak.

October 25, 2020 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

Galatians 2,16-21. Luke 8,27-39.

Sixth Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Impossible to Possible.

October 18, 2020 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

Colossians 4:5-11 & 14-18. Luke 7:11-16.

Third Sunday After the Holy Cross – The Widow’s Son.

Holy Apostle Luke the Evangelist.

Every year our beloved Bishop Nicholas Samra sends us a letter to read in Church for the Bishop's Appeal.
Bishop's Appeal Letter. Bishop Nicholas Samra.

October 4, 2020. Melkite Catholic Eparchy of Newton.
2 Corinthians 9:6-11. Luke 6:31-36.

Donate at:
Melkite Catholic Eparchy of Newton.
3 VFW Pkwy. West Roxbury, MA 02132

I'm Officially Twenty-Two.

October 4, 2020 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.

2 Corinthians 9:6-11. Luke 6:31-36.

Second Sunday After the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Love your enemies.

Deep Fishing with Jesus.
September 27, 2020 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
2 Corinthians 6:16-7:1. Luke 5:1-11.
First Sunday After the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Last week, Simone Rizkallah, Director of Program Growth at Endow Groups interviewed Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th. on the topic “How to P.R.A.Y. the Bible.”

ENDOW stands for “Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women.” I encourage you to look into the wonderful work ENDOW is doing with study groups and outreach on a variety of platforms.

Your Astrological Sign of the Cross.

September 20, 2020 homily by Father François Beyrouti, Ph.D./D.Th.
Galatians 2:16-21. Mark 8:34-9:1.
Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross.

Bishop Kevin Vann’s homily on Sunday, September 13, 2020.

We were blessed this weekend with the visit of Bishop Kevin Vann, the first ordinary of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange to celebrate the Divine Liturgy with us. The Archdiocese of L.A. and the Diocese of Orange have been a great blessing to Holy Cross Melkite Catholic Church since our foundation in 1973 by then Father Nicholas Samra, now our Bishop. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange continues to assist us with Marriage Preparation, workshops, and a variety of spiritual ways.

Our hearts and doors are always open to Roman Catholic parishes and priests who regularly visit to learn more about our Melkite Catholic Church, our beautiful Divine Liturgy, and our Apostolic faith that is rooted in Jerusalem and the city of Antioch. We continue to breathe with our Eastern and Western lungs of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

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