Bulletin 2/11/2024

Holy Cross Melkite Catholic Church | Eparchy of Newton

Bulletin of Sunday, February 11, 2024

Sunday of Cheese Fare

Forgiveness & Fasting

February 11. Commemoration of the Holy Hieromartyr Blaise, Bishop of Sebastea.

  Blaise, Bishop of Sebastea of Armenia, was martyred under Emperor Licinius (325).

Scripture Memory

“Welcome anyone who is weak in faith, a but not for disputes over opinions” (Romans 14:1).


“If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions” (Matthew 6:14-15).



We celebrate today’s Divine Liturgy for the repose of the souls of:

Najwa Ibrahim Hattar (January 29, 2024). Memorial.

Sami Naber (February 6, 2024)

Fayek Nasser (January 28, 2024)

Inaam Semaan Bottomley (January 16, 2024)

Hanna Abelnour (January 10, 2024)

Denise William Awad (January 1, 2024)

Nahil Ibrahim Hattar (December 26, 2023)

Atallah Alasaad & Fouad Alasaad

Fawzi, Fedda, Saif & Lana Tashman

Samira Yaldo


The health, safety, and blessings for:

Haitham Aranki

Lilian Khalil Hana

Charbel Saikali

Fahed Salfiti

Ibtisam Tashman

For peace in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, and all the troubled regions around the world

For vocations to the priesthood, monastic life, and lay parish ministries

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